Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Love, like before

I had planned to write this piece to coincide with my wedding day but there were other things in my mind. Finally and now I decided to pen my thoughts. As is becoming my style of weaving my opinions using my favorite advertisements, this post will also take help of two good pieces of creative showcase.

Married and committed since 2005, life has been very rewarding. Yeah, there were great highs and really deep lows, nevertheless the experience I have been through, when I now look back I wonder how have I traveled so far. Every now and then I remind myself that I am a father of two. Yeah, got two lovely and  wonderful kids. Am a bit choosy type, who will go to great lengths when I feel a sync of brain waves in any relationship. When the frequency doesn't match, I at times, in spite of trying hard to be polite,... [guess].

It was one of the evening, one of the few evenings when I was emotionally drained due to small [big] misunderstanding with my wife, this time I would accept mostly because of my stupid actions, was driving home back from my office. It was around 10:00 pm, late due to some demanding task that had no compromise deadline, and I decided to take a round about route to my home. Was looking back at every past incident where I ended up sore due to misunderstandings between me and my wife. People, if you are married or committed in a relationship, I guess you realize how it hurts. oh yeah, my mind tape played back how hurting it was, every time. I wanted to come out of the gloomy frame of mind and really wanted never to again go through similar experience where I hurt myself and hurt my loved one.

There was a calm, I had switched on my car's AC even when it was decently cool outside but still wanted to create a private space of a more cooler atmosphere, that suddenly crawled in to me. I felt little weightless, a feeling that there was nothing to think about, not to worry, a sudden realization that nothing is wrong, everything was pretty much in control, I was in control, and ALL IS WELL! It was really strange. I thought to myself, did I find an answer to my worries and a way around to navigate hurt emotions.

Yeah, I did. And the answer my friend is what I have written as the title of this blog. I heard myself saying, sitting in my car by the side of the road, 'LOVE, LIKE BEFORE!'. There was excitement, an enlightened feeling, suddenly I was happy, there was joy and my heart was merry. Yeah, 'LOVE, LIKE BEFORE!'. Oh man, yeah! Just watch the below ads and then read on. You will understand what I mean.

Ad showcase 1: Cadbury Dairy Milk... A wow ad. Just love the affection the couple show for each other, the little disappointment and the patching up. As usual Ogilvy guys rock. What a concept and execution.

Ad showcase 2: Flipkart... An amazing ad, even more wonderfully executed. I just love the expression the girl gives when the boy reveals he wants to gift her a 'doll house'. I would have seen this ad a thousand time by now. Good work Happy Creative Services. (psssttt... the newer TVCs for flipkart is not as exciting as the first ones)

It was a realization of how well the relation was before and immediately after my marriage. Everything was happy. We both were finding every way to please each other, to make each other happy, surprises - pleasant surprises, phone calls, lovely SMSs and many a ton of small little things we were excited about and were never tired of the silly things we did. There was profound joy in repetitions, innovation - in conveying the affection we had for each other. There was competition, real competition to show who expresses the affection the most. It was healthy. It was joy.

We still are the same beings, the same individuals who did all those small little things that gave us happiness and was wondering what was lost. That's when it dawned on me that we 'CHOSE' to compromise on those small activities that gave us happiness. We got tired of repetition. We became conscious of the silly things we did, but forgot how much rewarding they were.

I went home, and told my wife how much I love her and how happy I feel when she is around. I did it really. I made up my mind that every morning I would go and tell her its a wonderful day and she's lovely. And, I started from then, and really do it now [I should admit I occasionally miss it, just consider 'men being men']. But am happy I started somewhere.

Hey you there, what I chose to do didn't demand more than a minute of my day. I realized how easy it is now to go back to the old ways of doing small little things that gave me happiness, real happiness. I chose that small little act that would charge me and my loved one for the rest of the day. It's not that there are no difference of opinions between us, it does, but now I have found a way not to hurt myself and my loved one. It doesn't last even for few hours. Its a start that I have made. You could also make it. It helps, you are helping yourselves to a sumptuous dose of joy.

What I realized, I think would help those few of you who think you want a change. A positive change. I have applied this in my personal and well as professional life. It has rewarded me, and hope you will also find it rewarding. Its just a small thing you are going to restart doing, and you needn't invest more from your 'so called busy' schedule. It is never a hard task to go back to old days. And, interestingly, it doesn't cost you much, and definitely it doesn't burn your purse.

Love, life, work, friends, parents, pets... whatever.. LOVE, LIKE BEFORE!

(This post is dedicated to my wife who had inspired me to pen these thoughts)

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that attract others, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.
